06 Dec. 23
Overview on Durable Power of Attorney in Illinois
A “Power of Attorney” document serves as a powerful tool that confers authority upon an individual to act on behalf of another. Typically, a general power of attorney arrangements is granted with specific time frames or purposes in mind. For instance, in the context of a real estate transaction, the property seller might empower their attorney to execute closing documents on their behalf. In this scenario, the property seller assumes the role of the “principal” designated within the power of attorney documentation. The principal formally endorses the document, designating the attorney as their “agent” or “attorney-in-fact.” However, once the real estate transaction concludes, the power of attorney automatically loses its validity, rendering the agent incapable of signing documents on the principal’s behalf.
Durable POA is Different
Nevertheless, not all power of attorney arrangements are constrained by time limits or limited scopes. The “Durable Power of Attorney,” in contrast, remains effective even if the principal becomes incapacitated and only ceases upon the principal’s demise. Consequently, durable power of attorney documents proves invaluable within the realm of estate planning. A healthcare durable power of attorney ensures the uninterrupted management of a principal’s healthcare decisions in the event of disability, while a financial durable power of attorney enables family members to ensure the continuity of bill payments.
It’s noteworthy that durable POA arrangements are legally recognized across all fifty states, each offering state-sanctioned forms for individuals to utilize. For example, in Illinois, there exist dedicated forms for both a Durable POA for Health Care and a Durable POA for Property and Finances, accessible within the state statutes and amenable to customization as required. For instance, the Illinois Durable Power of Attorney for Property grants the agent the authority to engage in loan transactions on behalf of the principal, with the flexibility to amend, adjust, or entirely revoke this power.
It’s Best To Be Proactive
In the unfortunate event that an individual becomes disabled or incapacitated without a durable power of attorney in place, their family may encounter obstacles in making decisions on their behalf. This could necessitate the initiation of guardianship proceedings, which, although generally straightforward, entail both time and additional expenses at a time when the family may already be grappling with the significant health changes of their loved one.
At the Diaz Law Offices in Alton, IL, we place a strong emphasis on Durable Powers of Attorney as a vital component of our Estate Planning services. Our experienced attorneys at Diaz Law Offices are well-equipped to navigate this planning process with you, aiding in the identification of the specific types of durable powers of attorney that align with your needs.