28 Apr. 20
How House Bill 2386 Will Affect Texting and Driving Citations in Bond County, IL?
Texting and Driving
If you’ve ever texted while driving or been tempted to text while operating a moving vehicle, think twice about your decision. Bond County, IL motorists, can cause accidents with injuries and property damage by making a rash decision, such as removing their eyes from the road for even a second. Looking down at a phone is akin to traveling the length of a football field with your eyes closed. You cannot know what is going on in front of you. If you fix your eyes on the phone, you’re clutching in your hands.
So, what is House Bill 2386? How does it pertain to you as an Illinois resident? To better understand what it’s all about, we’ve included a description of it below for you to review.
What is House Bill 2386?
House Bill 2386 passed 82-24 in the House and 41-0 in the Senate. It enforces stricter punishments for people who cause bodily harm, disfigurement, or death in a texting and driving accident. The secretary of state can suspend or revoke a motorist’s license for up to 12 months and charge a $1,000 fine for the offense.
Anyone caught texting and driving could pay $75 for the first offense, $100 for the second, $125 for the third, and $150 for each offense following. Three moving violations in a year can cause the state to suspend your driver’s license. Avoiding the danger that comes with texting and driving is in the best interest of you because it makes it easier for you to react to the motorists you share the road with safely.
Familiarizing yourself with House Bill 2386 can help you better understand the law on texting and driving. You’ll know what constitutes citations and the fines incurred for a moving violation. If you needed an incentive to turn your phone off and focus on the drive ahead of you, now you have one. Preventing accidents and damage to your vehicle and other motorists’ properties is imperative in Bond County, IL.
Contact the Law Offices of Michael J. Diaz for Further Guidance
If you’re still not sure how the bill pertains to you, call or email the Law Offices of Michael J. Diaz today. You’ll be able to speak to a legal expert right away. Learning more about texting and driving citations in Bond County, IL, prepares you and your family for changes in the law and the penalties it carries.