01 Jun. 22
Do I Need an Attorney to Purchase a New Construction Home in Bethalto, IL?
A lot of people in the Bethalto, IL area are attracted to the prospects of buying a brand-new home. The home building process is easier now than it ever has been before. You get to pick the land, and then customize the house exactly the way you want to. They also make the sale offer enticing with additional discounts that are added. If you are using the home builder’s lender and title insurance company, these discounts can even be greater. When you have all of the needed components in front of you, some buyers may feel like they are wrapped in a fake security blanket. So, the real question is, do you need an attorney when you are buying a new construction build? This decision all depends on how much you trust the lender and title insurance company.
New Construction Attorney Questions
When purchasing a new construction home without an attorney, on the closing day you will need to go to the title office and meet with a title agent. They will place a large stack of papers in front of you and tell you where to sign your name on the documents. However, they are not legally required to explain the documents to you, so you may be unsure of what you are signing. Once you sign all of the documents, they will be able to send them to your lender for approval. No one will be there to double-check the transfer documents including the deed and HUD form.
Importance of Using an Attorney
This is why it is important to utilize an attorney during this process if you do not trust the lender. On several occasions, there have been dollar amount errors that are made by either the title insurance company or the lender which would be in favor of the client. If there is no attorney present, then you may be out of money. In some instances, the errors that are found can be corrected are more than any attorney fee. So in order to really be sure of the process, an attorney is strongly recommended.
If you are looking for an attorney to assist you on your new construction project, give our team at Diaz Law Offices a call today. We are able to help you with ensuring that you are getting the proper deal when you are signing with the title agent or lender.